
Admissions Guide: How to Get Started on the Road to Recovery at A Better Path

The Beginning of Your Trip

When you enter the doors of A Better Path, you are not only going into a building; rather, you are beginning a journey that will profoundly change your life. Our staff will be standing by, expecting your arrival with bated breath and poised to welcome you warmly into the arms of our program. As the necessary procedures are carried out and the necessary paperwork is completed, you will experience a sensation similar to that of having the weight of the world lifted off of your shoulders.

After that, a helpful member of our staff will take you on a tour of our facilities, which will culminate in a visit to your own haven, which is your room. You will find consolation and hope in this place. You won’t have much time to settle in until you meet your committed counselor. This first meeting lays the basis for a full evaluation, which delves into critical elements such as the participant’s medical stability, health concerns, participation skills, and overall well-being objectives.

Detoxification is an essential component of the rehabilitation process for certain people. If the results of our pre-admission assessment indicate that detox is required, we strongly encourage making arrangements for a detox bed in advance. Rest assured that in the event that you require a medically supervised detox, we will coordinate our efforts with a reputable local physician to make sure that you remain safe during the process.

Essential Items for Packing: Your Personal Comfort Kit

It is recommended that you pack your clothes in accordance with the length of your stay, taking into consideration the laundry facilities that are located on-site.
– Robes and essential toiletries are provided for your convenience. However, don’t forget to grab your favorite pajamas and maybe even a pair of comfortable slippers.
– Dressing in layers can be advantageous, particularly when temperatures are on the colder side or when going for walks in the early morning or late evening.
Those of you who frequent the gym should not forget to bring your training clothes.
– It is important to remember not to forget about daily necessities such as socks, underwear, and undershirts.

The mantra for your clothing should be “comfort, familiarity, and casualness,” as stated in the “Clothing Guidelines.”
– Steer away of clothing that is very exposing or that has connotations of a provocative nature.
T-shirts that encourage substance abuse or alcohol consumption, or that feature objectionable phrases or imagery, ought to be kept at home. 

When it comes to toiletries, use alcohol-free liquids wherever possible. This includes shampoos, hand sanitizers, and mouthwashes. The following items are considered to be essentials: a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hair care products, deodorant, shaving equipment, and lotions. Even while we will provide you with towels and sheets for your bed, you are more than welcome to bring any other personal items. 

Possessions that are uniquely yours

It is essential to have a valid identification card and insurance papers. Make sure you have an emergency contact list on hand.
Even though you might require some money, you shouldn’t bring a significant quantity of cash with you.
You are free to bring any electronic devices with you, including mobile phones, computers, and tablets.
– Check to see that you have access to all of the prescription drugs you need for the duration of your stay. When purchasing liquid pharmaceuticals, be sure they are brand new and unopened.
All over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements should be stored in their original, hermetically sealed containers.

Personal touches, such as photographs of cherished family and friends, can make all the difference when it comes to relaxation and recreation.
– Bring over a personal project or a pastime that you enjoy doing, such as drawing, crocheting, or keeping a journal.
– Although you are free to bring books, it is recommended that you check in advance to see if there are any other requirements.

Items That Should Be Left Behind

 Please let our staff know if you have any dietary restrictions or preferences so that we can better meet your needs.
– Even if they are included within cosmetics, drugs or alcohol are expressly forbidden.
Candles and other potentially offensive materials should not be carried for reasons of both safety and overall well-being.

Your time spent at A Better Path will be spent rediscovering who you are and taking back control of your life. The purpose of this book is to make the transfer into our world easier for you by ensuring that you feel ready, comfortable, and positive as you make the move.