Prescription Drug Addiction

The growing problem of addiction to prescription drugs is a concern in both Sacramento and Lincoln, California

Prescription medications, despite the fact that they can be of tremendous help when taken appropriately, have emerged as some of the most worrisome substances due to the myths that surround their relative safety. All too frequently, medical practitioners prescribe these powerful medications, and patients take them in good faith despite lacking adequate instruction on the potential addictive nature of these treatments. There is yet a chance for those who live in the Lincoln or Sacramento areas of California and are caught up in the cycle of addiction to prescription drugs. A Better Path Treatment Programs is committed to assisting you in overcoming the obstacles you face along this difficult path.

The Road to Prescription Drug Addiction

The unpleasant reality is that a large number of people fall prey to addiction to prescription drugs without even realizing it. In most cases, this takes place when they:

  • Exceed the time frame for which a prescribed medication should be taken.
  • They should drink alcohol while taking their meds.
  • Take your doses at insufficiently spaced intervals.
  • Increase the dosage on their own without first conferring with a qualified medical practitioner.
  • If you want the drug’s effects to be stronger, try smashing the tablet shape it comes in.

These behaviors can rapidly go from simple abuse to full-blown addiction in a short amount of time.

Types of Prescription Drugs Prone to Dependence

Despite the fact that many different medical disorders require the use of prescription medications, certain classes of pharmaceuticals are more likely to lead to addiction:

  • Opiates
  • Stimulants
  • Sleep aids and tranquilizers
  • Depressants

It is critical that you evaluate your use of medication, particularly if it fits into any of the categories described above, and determine whether or not you are becoming dependent on it.

Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

The treatment for addiction to prescription drugs involves multiple approaches. There is no one strategy that is optimal. When you get in touch with our staff at A Better Path Treatment Programs, we will walk you through the variety of programs that are adapted to your particular circumstances, including the following:

  • Detoxification from prescribed medications
  • Treatment of dependence on prescription drugs in an outpatient setting
  • Sessions of intensive outpatient care
  • Care and direction following the completion of treatment

It is recommended that you speak with a seasoned member of our staff in Sacramento or Lincoln, California, to gain a better understanding of which treatment is most suited to your specific circumstances.

The Significance of Detoxification

The presence of withdrawal symptoms is an unmistakable indication that the body is dependent on a substance. These symptoms can be agonizing, which makes it more difficult to traverse the path to sobriety when one is attempting to do it on their own. Each substance causes withdrawal symptoms that are uniquely their own. Detoxification, on the other hand, shines a light of hope on the situation by making the road to recovery less bumpy and preparing patients for subsequent therapies.

A Better Path Treatment Programs Offer Holistic Treatment Approaches

You will be exposed to a wide variety of therapeutic approaches here at our facility as part of the individualized treatment plan that has been developed for you. These could include things like:

  • Sessions of counseling in groups
  • Counseling on an individual basis
  • Appointments for family therapy sessions
  • Classes in Hatha Yoga
  • Creative therapy such as art and music

Our qualified staff in Lincoln and Sacramento, California, will work closely with you to develop an individualized treatment strategy that is centered on maximizing the likelihood of a successful, long-term recovery from an addiction to prescription drugs. A combination of behavioral and holistic treatments emerges as an essential component of this healing process.

The Continual Character of Drug and Alcohol Dependence Recovery

It is essential to have the understanding that the fight against addiction does not end once treatment has been completed. Because it is a chronic disorder that frequently leads to relapses, addiction requires ongoing treatment and care. Think about participating in alumni and aftercare programs so you may get assistance for this journey that never ends.


Why Should You Opt for Treatment Programs Offered by A Better Path?

We, at A Better Path Treatment Programs in Sacramento and Lincoln, California, are aware of the complexity as well as the risks that are associated with prescription medicines. Finding and treating the underlying issues that led to your addiction is our top priority. We want to help you find a route to recovery that reduces the likelihood of relapsing and ensures sobriety for the long term.

Please give us a call at (916) 209-3792 if you live in the Sacramento or Lincoln areas of California and are looking for help to overcome an addiction to prescription drugs. Allow us to serve as the beacon that leads you to a more positive and addiction-free future.